Patients & Visitors

Department Phone Directory

St. John’s Regional Medical Center (SJRMC) is located at 1600 North Rose Avenue in Oxnard, California. The main hospital phone number is 805.988.2500.

St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital (SJPVH) is located at 2309 Antonio Avenue in Camarillo, California. The main hospital phone number is 805.389.5800.

Department Name Phone Number
Administration (805) 988-2500
Auxiliary (805) 988-2627 • SJRMC
(805) 389-5651 • SJPVH
Babies First Program (805) 988-2784
Billing Inquiries (877) 877-8345
Cancer Center (805) 988-2641
Spiritual Care (805) 988-2891 • SJRMC
(805) 389-5612 • SJPVH
Discharge Planner (805) 988-2704 • SJRMC
(805) 389-5891 • SJPVH
Doctor Referral Helpline (877) SJ-DOC-4U
(877) 753-6248
Education and Outreach (805) 988-2865
Gift Shop (805) 988-2841 • SJRMC
(805) 389-5696 • SJPVH
Healthy Beginnings (805) 988-2619
Hospital Foundation (805) 988-2868
Human Resources (805) 988-2851
Hyperbaric Medicine (805) 389-5944
Information (805) 988-2500
Laboratory / Draw Center (805) 988-7090 • SJRMC
(805) 389-5880 • SJPVH
Lost and Found (805) 988-2871
Medical Records (805) 988-2853
Physical Therapy (805) 988-2624
Public Relations (805) 988-2848
Radiology (805) 389-5655 • SJPVH
(805) 983-0883 • SJRMC
Rehabilitation Center (Rice Ave.) (805) 988-2874
Spine Center (805) 988-7077
Weight Loss Surgery Center (805) 981-7305
Women’s Services (805) 988-2784
Wound Healing Center (805) 389-5944

Services for the Hearing Impaired


The following resources are available for our hearing-impaired patients and visitors:

Life Signs is available at (323) 550-4210 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and at (800) 633-8883 on an emergency basis after hours.

California Relay Services (CRS) enables the deaf, hard of hearing, or speech disabled who use text telephones (TTYs) or personal computers (PCs) to communicate with those who use telephones. When you use CRS, you dial into a Relay Center and are connected to a professionally trained Relay Operator (RO), who conveys the conversation between you and the called party. The RO conveys TTY or PC messages verbally and spoken messages via TTY or PC. Your conversation is completely confidential. CRS is available 24 hours a day, every day. To dial CRS, dial one of the numbers below:

  • TTY (800) 735-2929
  • Voice (800) 735-2922
  • Spanish (800) 855-3000
  • Computer

St. John’s PBX telephone network is equipped with a telecommunications (TDD/TTY) device for the deaf, giving hearing impaired persons access to the hospital by telephone. For services not listed here, please call (805) 988-2500.